Browse Schools

Hello! This is the Search, Research, and Browse (SRB) page; thus, you can filter and sort by the data and years in the window below, and this should give you an easier place to reference either historical data, single data points for many schools, or many data points for a single school. For dynamic ranking, please visit the "Dynamic Ranking" page.

To Use:
1a). If you wish to view academic data, and financial data for full time students, use the white toolbar at the bottom of the window, and use the arrows there to navigate to "page 1" (this should be the default page, but it can be finicky).
1b). If you wish to view academic data, and financial data for part time students, follow the same steps, but navigate to "page 2" (again, page 2 within the power bi window)
2). Select the year for which you want to view data.
3). Select any acadamic data sets you want to view (various employment outcomes, USWNR rank, medians, etc. By default, all data fields are displayed).
4). Select any financial data sets you want to view (again, all fields are displayed until you select one or more).
5). Lastly, clicking the header of any of the displayed data fields, will sort all of the schools based on that criteria (i.e. ranked by cost of attendance, BL/FC outcomes, primary region of employment, etc).
- Also note you will probably find it easier to use by clicking "open in new window", which is the tiny icon on the bottom-right of the Microsoft footer. It looks like two pages with an arrow pointing out.

If any issues are encountered, or you have questions, feel free to reach out to me!


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